Forbidden Psalm: Skeletons

Skeletons, the quintessential dungeon monster, what fantasy game would be complete without them? These were fun to paint, in fact the hardest part about them was getting them to print properly, they are a bit fragile. In, fact on bloke got a peg leg because I was tired of trying to get enough models to print without defect or snapping off parts when removing the supports. In retrospect, and if I need to ever replace these miniatures, I would find a simpler, more robust model.

Once I had a hodgepodge of Archers, Axemen, Spearmen and Swordsmen printed and primed, for some reason they made me think of sailor who had become skeleton undead creature, thus the fit of the peg-leg dude. I was thinking of the old “Jason and the Argonaughts” movie. All of this is to say that for the only article of clothing the had, I went with grey, light blues and a blue-green color to match unfaded sailor pants – or at least that was the though process.

So in game terms, they are basically armed with swords, low hit points creatures, that ignore darkness and don’t take morale test – kill them or run away. Also, for every 4 skeletons, one will always be armed with a bow. They also have an armor save of one, so the shields seemed appropriate. I will say that the brass shield rings and helmets look less like the bone colors in person, but didn’t translate in the pictures well enough to see the difference – might be the lighting, might have been that I was just done painting them and couldn’t be bothered to adjust the color saturation in photos, but they are done!


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